Not quite what Walt had imagined

A show of hands, please.  How many librarians/teachers/parents/otherwise responsible grownups who work with young girls are sick of these ladies:

image courtesy of

Look, I grew up in the eighties.  I loved The Little Mermaid.  I sang the songs, I role played at losing my voice for the Prince, I wish desperately for red hair and…….something worthy to be covered by seashells.  Hey, I’m not proud of it, but there it is.  I, and my sense of self-worth, survived.  Although, looking at the barrage of sexualized and unrealistic images thrown at girls from practically the moment they are born, I cannot help but wish that the young women of the next generation have some better, more realistic, role models. Continue reading

Kid blogger!

So, a couple of weeks ago my library launched our Summer Reading program and we have been pretty much swallowed up in a storm of sign ups, giveaways, and answering questions about how to win prizes, which are the best books for X grade, etc., etc.  It’s been a blast!  (A tiring, sometimes physically draining blast, but good fun all the same.)  Among one of the kids to sign up was a boy who said something during the sign-up process that sent my little blogger antennae straight up.   Continue reading

Linktastic Finds o’ the Week

Adam Rex has some sneak peaks of his latest, Frankenstein Takes the Cake, up on his blog.  I’m particularly taken with the adorably delicious “Tofuillager.”

Babymouse: The Musical!  The latest cover in my very favorite graphic novel series is up on Matthew Holm’s blog.

And, if you liked Daniel Pinkwater’s The Neddiad as much as I did, you’ll be happy to hear that there is a sequel in the works and Mr.Pinkwater has posted several chapters here.

Have a happy weekend!